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1、就不应该这样的 ...

  •   “你别走,给我回来!”美利坚声嘶力竭的吼着
      (咔擦)……“Sir, I'm sorry to tell you……Not only does he have schizophrenia,I'll remember things before, so you can spend more time with her.”
      “Then I'm really sorry for him.I have no time to recite this kind of fruit.He doesn't deserve it”(咬牙切齿)
      “Baby, will you leave me?”美利坚的思绪万千
      “……That's not certain.”英吉利轻笑一声,走到美利坚的面前,勾起了美利坚的下巴
      “Why?are youI hate me again.”美利坚平静的说到
      “If you hadn't done anything to me,Just be careful to confess your love.It wouldn't be like this.No.1 in the world. Listen carefully.I won't fall in love with you if you let me die.”英吉利说完后转身离开了这个让他变得不干净的人
      /You shouldn't have beenMeng forced his eyes.Number one in the world.So when will you remember? What have you done yourself!/
      This beautiful rose has been crushed again.……第三朵花了
      The third flower,You have to hurt them, too?So what were those onSo what were those onlookers thinking?Continue to hurt or love?

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